Zhen, Vxbao, Qiuqiu Officially Signed To KSG
Zhen finally has a team
Read article: https://dashfight.com/news/zhen-vxbao-qiuqiu-officially-signed-to-ksg-6865
Zhen finally has a team
Read article: https://dashfight.com/news/zhen-vxbao-qiuqiu-officially-signed-to-ksg-6865
When it comes to Street Fighter related figures that get released, more often than not we see large scale statues that are very high quality, but also cost you more than two PlayStation 5 Pros. This time, a new figure is en route that depicts the ...
Read article: https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2025/jan/01/new-sf6-judging-ryu-figure/
Ken is... pretty good in Street Fighter 6. Regardless of what some Ken players might tell you, the fiery Shoto has some incredible tools in battle and has a lot of stats (both in usage and major tournament wins) that support the assertion that he ...
Read article: https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2024/dec/31/ken-strong-sf6-broski/
In celebration of the end of 2024 and the start of 2025, Capcom has released some new artwork featuring SNK's Mai Shiranui. Notably, the fighter is slated to be released as the next DLC character in Street Fighter 6. Near the end of the last teas...
Read article: https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2024/dec/31/capcom-new-artwork-mai-shiranui/
Update: This story has been updated with final results. Topanga Concept Match is here to close out the year of 2024 before we launch into the new year of 2025. Players participating in these exhibition sets are Rohto|Tokido, VARREL|Mago, Kobayan...
Read article: https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2024/dec/31/topanga-concept-match-2024-results/
Every year it seems more and more fighting game players are switching from console to PC with the added benefits of customizability and typically lower input lag, making it a continually growing ecosystem for the genre. As we rapidly approach the...
Read article: https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2024/dec/30/top-fighting-games-2024/
Meet all the winners of our third annual awards show!
Read article: https://dashfight.com/news/dash-fight-awards-2024-winners-6861
It was a festival of long sets
Read article: https://dashfight.com/news/topanga-concept-match-2024-results-6860
The Japanese org has picked up its first FGC player
Read article: https://dashfight.com/news/odd-plan-enters-street-fighter-6-by-signing-orarin-6858
Read article: https://kakuge-checker.com/topic/view/08681/
It's been a good month since Capcom dropped the latest balance patch for Street Fighter 6. Many are saying that Ed and Cammy were the biggest losers of the update while Ryu and Kimberly were among the major winners. The FGC Place recently uploade...
Read article: https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2024/dec/30/daigo-versus-cammy-kimberly-sf6/
There's certainly no shortage of Street Fighter collectibles floating out in the world right now, but it's rarer to see a high premium item get created for someone that's not Ryu, Chun-Li, Cammy, Ken or Juri. Prime 1 Studios recently unveiled a m...
Read article: https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2024/dec/30/marisa-statue-sf6-high-cost/
It's been almost a full month since the latest patch for Street Fighter 6 was released. By this point, it feels like the meta is starting to settle down as players have had a good amount of time to explore all the adjustments. XSET|iDom recently ...
Read article: https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2024/dec/29/idom-sf6-patch-comments-unchanged/
Update: This story has been updated with final results. The BeePro Cup 2024 is taking place right at the end of the year to close out 2024 and it's happening in Taipei, Taiwan. Notable players participating include UMA, TM|OilKing, JG|ZJZ, XG|E....
Read article: https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2024/dec/28/beepro-cup-2024-results/
It may be a bit hard to imagine that Street Fighter 6 is going to soon crown its second world champion and enter its third year, but the game also isn't anywhere close to being done in terms of content and updates yet. Japanese publications Famit...
Read article: https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2024/dec/28/sf6-developer-new-years-messages/
2025年1月11日(土)に埼玉県 エミテラス所沢で開催される『ストリートファイター6』イベント「エミテラス所沢 presents FAVCUP Special Match」のメモです。
Read article: https://kakuge-checker.com/topic/view/08679/
The fighting game atmosphere is a special place in which we have the potential to explore some of the more taboo parts of personality, and while we could probably spend all day detailing out exactly why the following is true, it's an interesting f...
Read article: https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2024/dec/27/craziest-girls-fighting-games-juri/
Only half of Street Fighter 6's Season 2 has rolled out as we're getting ready for Mai Shiranui to drop early next year, but speculation about the four DLC characters who might be selected for Season 3 is now in the air. In a relatively rare turn...
Read article: https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2024/dec/26/capcom-dlc-characters-sf6-season3/
Of course, in addition to being the strongest single indicator of player skill, footsies are the most pure, fundamental, and important part of Street Fighter gameplay. What if, however, someone told you that both your focus and reliance on footsie...
Read article: https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2024/dec/26/losing-sf6-focused-footsies/
It's a showdown between the best in Japan
Read article: https://dashfight.com/news/tokido-battles-mago-in-ft-10-for-topanga-concept-match-6851